Postdoctoral Opportunities
Please contact Dr. Gallivan (gallivan@queensu.ca) if you're interested in postdoctoral opportunities.
Graduate Opportunities
We are currently recruiting graduate students for a Fall 2022 start date. Students are encouraged to apply through either the Department of Psychology, Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, or through the Centre for Neuroscience Studies (CNS). Students with a quantitative background (e.g., computer science, engineering, statistics, mathematics, physics, economics, etc.) are especially encouraged to apply.
We are looking for self-motivated, creative and independent students. The lab provides an energetic, innovative and highly collaborative research environment with a strong commitment to the training and career development of its students. Interested candidates should send an email to Dr. Gallivan (gallivan@queensu.ca) to inquire about a position.
Undergraduate Honours Projects
Please contact Dr. Gallivan (gallivan@queensu.ca) if you're interested in completing an undergraduate honours project in our lab.
Undergraduate Volunteers
We are always looking for enthusiastic undergraduate students to volunteer in the lab. Here, you will have the opportunity to gain experience in behavioural testing and/or brain imaging analysis. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Dr. Gallivan (gallivan@queensu.ca).